Why Micro Niche Finder kicks ass

Micro Niche Finder

I’ve been using this app for about a month now.  Actually, it was the very first piece of commercial software I started using for internet marketing. After reading a bunch of good reviews on WarriorForum, I took a leap and bought it.

These are steps that I used to do manually, for each potential keyword phrase, one-by-one:

  1. Google External Keyword Tool (# of monthly searches)
  2. Microsoft Online Commercial Intention Tool (commercial intention)
  3. Google.com (# of competition)
  4. Yahoo Site Explorer (strength of competition)

I would then use these metrics to calculate the potential profitability of a new “niche” (keyword phrase).

Well now I do all that in Micro Niche Finder.   Those 4 steps are done automatically through MNF in mere seconds.   It even suggests related keywords and calculates their metrics at the same time.

Here’s a screenshot of the “meat & potatoes” of the app:

Micro Niche Finder

Note: I chose “fat loss” as my search phrase purely for this review.  I don’t actually think this is a good market to approach, as you can see by the numbers…the competition is insane!

And a quick description of what each column means:

  • Phrase – these are related keywords that are automatically generated by MNF.  By default it shows results for the EXACT phrase (ie. a search in Google with “quotes”) but you can also choose BROAD (without quotes) or PHRASE (words out of order)
  • Search Count – the total number of searches each month for this phrase on Google (ie. the DEMAND).  I usually only look at phrases with > 2000.
  • Exact Phrase Count – these are the number of results for the phrase in Google (you can verify yourself by going to Google.com and typing in the phrase with “quotes”).  This is the COMPETITION.  I usually aim for phrases with < 20,000, but the COMPETITION / DEMAND ratio is also important.  If it’s, say 4, and the COMPETITION is 100,000, those are darn good numbers.
  • Ad Cost – how much Google charges advertisers per click they receive on their AdWords ads based on this phrase.  This is usually relative to a combination of the Commercial Intent and Strength of Competition.
  • Commercial Intent – how likely it is that a person searching this phrase on Google will end up buying something.  Anything less than 50% usually isn’t worth your time.
  • Strength of Competition (SOC) – how strong the competition’s websites are.  This calculation considers things like PageRank, number of one-way backlinks, etc.  The lower the better!  That red X image turns into yellow (medium) or green (good) depending on how low the SOC values get.

Micro Niche Finder. Very. Useful. Tool.

Here’s more information on it if you’re interested…

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