Category: Keyword Research

This category is also known as “niche research”.

SECockpit Review – The Best Keyword Research Tool

I’ve tried A TON of keyword research tools:  Micro Niche Finder, Market Samurai, Word Tracker, Keyword Elite, you name it…I’ve tried ’em all. What sets SECockpit apart from its competitors is that it’s ridiculously fast.  Since it’s a web service rather than a local software app, you can run as many queries as you want simultaneously…in fact it can handle 200…

Why Micro Niche Finder kicks ass

I’ve been using this app for about a month now.  Actually, it was the very first piece of commercial software I started using for internet marketing. After reading a bunch of good reviews on WarriorForum, I took a leap and bought it. These are steps that I used to do manually, for each potential keyword phrase, one-by-one: Google External Keyword…