Online Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

If we had a penny for everytime someone committed an online marketing mistake, we’d have already invested millions in making sure they don’t.

Mind you, the mistakes that this article will talk about are not merely limited to just one kind of online marketing. In fact, it can be applied across the entire range: right from social media marketing, SEO marketing, to even the old-school yet incredibly effective email marketing.

The good part is that these mistakes can easily be avoided. But the impact it’ll have on your overall marketing will be amazing.

1. Avoid ‘quick-rich’ schemes

Sometime or the other, you must have received a mail that promised you that for a fix price your website can rank in the top 10 Google search for your preference of the keyword. It’s an elaborate scam, and in the long run — it’ll always hurt. Online marketing, just like any other form of marketing, is no magic. You need to invest with professionals such as in-order to ensure that your online marketing is in safe hands.

2. Who let the Marketers out?

You’ve 100000 unique visits from Iceland on your website, and you’re ecstatic. The only small problem is that it’s useless, because you sell water coolers. Are you getting the problem? It’s important to identify your core messaging and the target group who you want to listen. A lot of organisations and businesses make the mistake of promoting to everyone — and anyone — on the Internet. Don’t do that. Instead make your online marketing efforts as specific to your core audience as possible.

3. Money can’t buy everything

Some of the marketers we know rely solely on paid advertising, which is both harmful and inefficient in the long run. While paid advertisements are a crucial tool to amplify the reach of your online marketing, it can’t work in isolation. A good approach is to have a mix strategy that involves both paid marketing along with organic yet effective online marketing. So think of paid advertisement as a boost to your organic efforts of increasing the reach and conversion.

4. What was the plan again?

Although flexibility in something as dynamic as online marketing is always required — it can’t be the sole thing driving the entire thing. We’ve met too many businesses and organisation who drained thousands of dollars only to realise it’s not working because of their lack of money. The ideal approach is to know what’s the intent of your online marketing campaign in depth with enough details before spending even a dollar on anything. The plan step, although tedious, is paramount. Otherwise, there are chances that you might fall prey to the chaos that unplanned online marketing can be.


The Internet is filled with noise. And for you to stand out from the clutter, it’s more important than ever to ensure that you know what you’re doing when it comes to your online marketing. Avoiding these marketing mistakes and SEO mistakes won’t only boost your efforts, but will also set-you up for long-term success when it comes to online marketing.

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