Facebook Etiquette

Facebook iconIf you’re like me and fortunate enough to have a mother who is a senior citizen and also a Facebook addict, you can hopefully relate to these moments:

  • Mom makes a post on my wall describing her planned activities for the day.
  • Mom comments on a photo of me that a friend posted to tell me that she’s glad I have friends.
  • Mom sends private messages to several of my friends to say they seem like good people.

So…all of these hilarious events prompted me to write up a quick list of Facebook Etiquette points for my mom…

Your own wall

Post something about yourself or about life in general that you want all your friends to read and comment on.  Only comment on your own wall post if other people have already commented.  It isn’t meant to be used as a monologue or a journal.

Your friend’s wall

Post something related to your friend that you want all their friends to read and possibly comment on.  Don’t post things that are only about yourself, because their friends will be like “who are you and who the heck cares?”.

Private messages

Send something that is private and that only the specific friend (or friends) should receive.

Photo comments

Only write something that pertains to the picture.  Don’t talk about the weather or what you ate for lunch or a synopsis of the latest Twilight movie.

Feel free to send this list to your mothers too 😉

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