Tag: facebook

5 Tips for Using Facebook to Grow Your Business, Without Controlling Your Life

Your business could be doing better. No matter how it’s doing right now—whether you’re struggling to make ends meet or already sitting on a comfortable cash flow—you can harness the power of social media to help your business reach the next level. Building your business online can help you create passive income flow so you can live a better life.…

Facebook Messenger Marketing: Do same things but in a different way

Have you ever think that you are the one among the 2.23 billion of Facebook’s users. Not only are this there around 1.3 billion Facebook messenger app users. Nowadays, every mobile phone probably has cameras and a GPS besides a microphone. Through the use of Facebook messenger service, users are giving unlimited access to these features. They cannot imagine how…

DoSocial – new social media management service

If you do any form of online marketing, whether it be for your own company, or for clients, you likely use social media.  There’s plenty of ways to manage your various Twitters and Facebooks and whathaveyous, but now there’s a new service thrown into the mix:  DoSocial.   DoSocial offers a user-friendly interface to manage your social media profiles.  You can setup identities…

Google Ranking Factors by Importance

WebProNews recently posted this super interesting article about an experiment done by SEOMoz that looked at different Google ranking factors, and how many Search Engine Optimization experts view their importance. http://www.webpronews.com/google-ranking-factors-2-2011-06 A few things that stuck out for me: Page-level backlink metrics are the top algorithmic factor (compared to domain-level, link authority, social metrics, etc.) Diversity of backlinks is greater…

Facebook Etiquette

If you’re like me and fortunate enough to have a mother who is a senior citizen and also a Facebook addict, you can hopefully relate to these moments: Mom makes a post on my wall describing her planned activities for the day. Mom comments on a photo of me that a friend posted to tell me that she’s glad I…

Outsourcing Myself – Decisions

Time Tracking & Analysis So I’ve religiously logged my time for a couple weeks now (using a desktop widget from Paymo.biz), and come to the following conclusions – I waste too much time switching between tasks.  I need to focus more on completing things before moving onto something else I waste too much time with social media.  I need to outsource…

Awesome WordPress plugin for Facebook

Once and a while a WordPress plugin comes along that I consider to be a “game changer”.  The Like plugin is one of ’em. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/like/ One of the great things about Facebook Pages is that they can become viral.  It may take you a month to get to 100 “fans” (I guess they’re now considered “people that like your Page”),…

What’s wrong with Google Buzz?

So, just when you thought you were already overwhelmed with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, along comes yet another social networking/sharing service. Google Buzz has joined the party. There’s already lots of rants floating around about why it’s awesome or why it’s great, but I’m going to talk specifically about what should be improved with it.  To be perfectly honest though,…

SU.PR from StumbleUpon

The more I learn about this new service being developed by StumbleUpon, the more psyched I get. If you haven’t heard of StumbleUpon, they are one of many social bookmarking websites, but they are unique in the fact that they offer users the ability to just browse or “stumble” through a never-ending list of sites recommended by other users.  Pretty…