Must-have WordPress plugins


As you can probably tell, I’m a big fan of WordPress.  I’ve used a few other Content Management Systems (like Joomla, Drupal, PHP-Nuke, etc.).  But I’ve found that for internet marketing, WordPress is simply hard to beat with its ease-of-use, maintenance simplicity, and the huge community support of free plugins and themes.

So, here’s the list of plugins that I routinely use with each WordPress installation:


  • Catches spam Comments on your posts or pages.
  • I find that it’s very accurate.
  • You do have to enter a WordPress API key though to activate it (which I’m not a big fan of doing…why does WordPress need to know what spam I’m receiving?).
  • Does anyone know why it has such a strange name that has nothing to do with spam?

All in One SEO Pack

  • I call this thing “Search Engine Optimization For Dummies”
  • You don’t really have to know much about SEO to get some serious benefits from it
  • It can do custom HTML headers like keywords, descriptions, titles
  • You can even set “noindex” for different types of archives so you won’t get hurt by having duplicate content

Dagon Design Sitemap Generator

  • An easy-to-use HTML sitemap generator
  • Tons of features, super configurable, but not complicated


  • Occasionally with some sites I need to execute PHP within posts, this plugin makes it extremely easy
  • If you don’t know what PHP is skip this one 😉


  • URL shortener and click tracker all-in-one!
  • Simple interface
  • Great for hiding affiliate links (instead of using you can use

Google XML Sitemaps

  • Rather than creating an HTML sitemap, like the plugin I mentioned above, this one creates an XML sitemap
  • It also notifies many popular search engines when changes are made
  • Tons of options, but works great out-of-the-box

Thumbnail Viewer

  • Sometimes I like putting image thumbnails in my posts so visitors can click the thumbnail hyperlinks to see the full image
  • That’s exactly what this bad boy is for
  • It’s very simple and fast (full images load real quick) Stats [Edit – June 30 – Now I like “StatPress SEOlution” better!]

  • If you’ve ever used to host a site, you’re familiar with their admin “stats” page
  • That’s exactly what this plugin emulates, except it works for sites you host yourself
  • You must enter your WordPress API key to activate it (you can get this for free from
  • My only complaint is that it doesn’t show unique visitors, only “views”
  • It tracks UNIQUE VISITORS and other cool stuff like which countries visitors are from and search engine spider stats

Yet Another Related Post Plugin

  • Dynamically determines which posts are related to each other
  • Places links at the end of each post so visitors can then view the related posts
  • Lots of options, and easy to use

If you’re not sure how to find or install these plugins, you have two options:

  1. From the WP admin panel, go “Plugins” > “Add New”, then use the “Search” form to find the plugins you want
  2., download the ZIP files, then FTP the contents to your web server root/wp-content/plugins directory

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