How to learn to remember really complex passwords

passwordThis article from Wired really piqued my interest…

It’s crazy to think that 1 in 20 times people still use “password” for their passwords.  That’s just nuts.

A recent study from Microsoft and Princeton suggests that a training technique could be very effective (90% success rate) at teaching people to remember a 12-character-long password with random letters and numbers.

How it works:

  1. Every time the login screen appeared, the user would be prompted to type in a series of letters and numbers.
  2. Over time the string of characters longer to appear, which encouraged the user to start typing from memory.
  3. More characters were added to the password over time.
  4. After 10 days, 9 out of 10 users could correctly enter 12 random characters or 6 random words from memory.

Pretty cool, eh?


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